The Best Natural Way To Whiten Your Teeth In A Short Time
Everyone likes to have a beautiful smile with white teeth. There are a few ways to achieve that and this one may sound really odd but know that it actually helps and it is totally natural.
yes,something like this exists! it is the most beautiful in the world,their highness strawberries

There is a special way of making toothpaste with strawberries at home. strawberries are full of malic acid which is a natural emulsifier and helps to remove crumbs and plaque.also folic acid helps to remove coloration and neutralize yellowness.
Toothpaste from strawberries functions similar to hair even if you start eating srawberry after a meal you can help in process of lightening your teeth. byt, if you want better results to with toothpaste recipe below.
You’ll need:
- 2 to 3 strawberries
- ½ tsp baking powder
Take a small bowl and mash the ingredients into that,then take your toothbrush and dip it in the mixture, apply on your teeth like you brush theme.use these a couple of weeks ans you will notic the differonce, and that is mush whiter teet! after using strawberry toothpast always use dental floos so you can remove strawberry seeds that might get stuck in between your gems or teeth.
Take note:
This method shouldn’t replace your normal toothpaste but it will complement it beautifully. With this trick you won’t have to buy expensive bleaching paste ever again!
The Best Natural Way To Whiten Your Teeth In A Short Time
Reviewed by Work_work

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