How Dogs Help Mental Health

How Dogs Help Mental Health
Dogs and how they make life easier
Deemed as man's best friend, dogs never fail to live up to that status quo. Dogs have an amazing impact on humans and their wellbeing. Dogs give encouragement to keep pushing, even though they can't even talk. Dogs have a special way of creating a loving bond with their family of humans and making a trustworthy relationship between all. Dogs have a talent for being so loving and even bringing people closer together.
Dogs also have a special talent when it comes to coping with mental health. Emotional support and therapy dogs can help those who need it. Providing a never failing support system and a forever friendship, dogs can be the bridge that binds anyone that struggles with happiness and a less stressful life.
I own a dog myself and I would have to agree with these statements that I have made. My dog, CJ, has been in my life since I was in 8th grade (I am currently a junior in college). CJ is always happy to see me when I come home and always puts a smile on my face. Wiggly butt and wagging tail, she brings happiness to my life whether I desperately needed it or not. I sometimes even catch myself talking to her like she is my best friend, telling her things because I know she can't tell anyone. Anyone that has pets knows that this special relationship between an owner and his/her pet is an important part of his or her life forever, impacting every area.
How Dogs Help Mental Health
Reviewed by Work_work

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